Author Archives: Mike Wainwright
About Mike Wainwright
Mike is the owner and operator of Prestige BBQ and Oven Cleaning a professional Denver, Colorado BBQ grill cleaning service.
How safe is your Oven Door? Exploding Oven door glass is more common than you think!
Is your oven door about to explode? I received a call to do a cleaning on a KitchenAid double wall oven where the inside glass panel on the oven door exploded for no apparent reason. Upon arrival, a majority of the glass was cleaned up but there was still a lot of small pieces of glass imbedded into every crevice […]
Gas Grill Safety – ESPN’s Hannah Storm Seriously Burned in a Propane Gas Grill Accident
Gas Grill Safety Gas grills are the most common outdoor cooking appliance today and are increasingly replacing charcoal grills due to their ease of use and generally being easier to clean and maintain. As with any appliance an outdoor grill should be treated just like an indoor appliance. Grill safety should be exercised to prevent serious injury – you are after […]
BBQ Grill Cleaning – Review of a KitchenAid outdoor BBQ Grill Cleaning
KitchenAid BBQ Grill Cleaning Grills obviously come in all shapes and sizes. Well, so can grill cleaning. This is my review of a KitchenAid outdoor grill cleaning I recently did. I’ve cleaned a few KitchenAid bbq grills before but this one was a little different. Upon initial inspection, I wasn’t sure if the owner sprayed the front of the grill with white spray […]
December 7th, 1941 “A day which will live in infamy”!
Today is December 7th, a day which lives in infamy. This is one of my favorite periods in time to remember. Not sure why I chose this period in time growing up to remember but as an adult I have had the privilege to visit the Arizona Memorial twice and each time have been moved by the powerful emotional effect […]
Are fumes from a self clean oven harmful?
What is a self clean oven A self clean oven is a standard feature on most ovens and can be a convenient feature. Self clean ovens heat up to temperatures of approximately 900 degrees Fahrenheit (482 degrees Celsius). During this temperature cycle the high heat will burn off spills leftover from baking without the use of chemicals. Fumes One of […]
Don’t let your appliances fail you during the holidays
Here are some simple steps from Angies List to esure your holiday cooking doesn’t turn into a disaster.
Thank you for your support!
I posted this on my Facebook page on Thanksgiving Day. I didn’t think of this as a blog post but probably should have… As a new business owner I am thankful for many things. What I was not prepared for but am thankful for the most was the kindness and generosity I would get from other business owners willing to […]
Winterizing your Outdoor Kitchen
Time to Winterize your Outdoor Kitchen Whether or not you have a large outdoor kitchen area or a small island you need to think about the cold winter months creeping up on us. Most people will make it a priority to winterize their sprinkler system or get their garden ready for winter but do you put the same emphasis on your outdoor […]
Cast Iron Barbeque Grill Grates: How to prevent rust and maintain them
Cast Iron grill grates: How to prevent your outdoor barbecue grill grates from rusting? I clean BBQ grills and come across many types of barbecue grill grates, stainless steel, porcelain coated, porcelain-coated cast iron and cast iron. A majority of the grates I see, especially the cast iron are rusted and probably should be thrown away. I don’t know about you but […]